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🌹 ❤️ Valentine's Day Sale! Get 14% off supplements with CODE: LOVEU
Exposure Protection PakNatural vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and nitrates proven to nutritionally protect and heal the body all combined in convenient packets.
Optimal 1 Digest-A-MealEliminate indigestion, gas, and bloating by nutritionally supporting the body with our #1-selling formula, a complete range of plant enzymes.
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Plant-Based Fats
Derived from algae (which is where fish and krill get their omega-3s), flaxseed, and borage oils.
Lower the Pressure
Omega-3s (available in Optimal EFA) have been shown to reduce high blood lipids and blood pressure.
Less Processing, More Potency
Plant sources don’t need to be processed as rigorously as other fish-derived omega-3s making them more potent.
Vegetable Sourced
Uses the only sea vegetable-based DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) source making it safer than when sourced from fish.
Depending on your diet, it can be difficult to get all the essential fatty acids your body needs for cardiovascular, brain, and eye health. And lack of fats like omega-3s is associated with degenerative diseases and nervous system disorders.
That’s why we formulated Optimal EFA, to provide plant-based omega-3s using safer and more potent forms of omega-3s derived from algae, flaxseed, and borage oils. We skip the “middle fish” and get our omega-3s straight from the source.
Most essential fatty acid products on the market contain fish oils, even though fish get their EFAs from the algae they eat. Using fish oils forces the manufacturer to highly process the oils thus making them more unstable. This can produce an unstable molecule that creates trans-fats that actually cause disease. We skip the “middle fish” and go straight to the source, ensuring purity, safety, and absorbability. Optimal E.F.A. contains the only algae-based source of EPA with phospholipids and glycolipids for higher bioavailability than any other plant or animal-based EFAs. This translates into better results for you.Over time, your body absorbs more EPA and DHA found in Optimal EFA's algae-based formulas than omega-3s from krill and fish.
Dr. Tori Hudson, N.D. stated, “Estimates have been given that approximately 80% of Americans consume a diet deficient in essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids play an important role in producing hormones, cell membrane function, regulating pain, inflammation and swelling, dilating or constricting blood vessels, mediating our immune response, regulating smooth muscle responses, preventing blood clots, regulating blood pressure and nerve transmission, regulating cholesterol levels, and much, much more. Deficiencies of essential fatty acids can lead to many health problems for men and women and some that are particular to women.”The reason? ALL hormones are made from essential fatty acids (EFAs). The catch: the human body doesn’t produce its own EFAs, meaning you have to get them from what you eat.
PMS is actually a sign you need more EFAs in your diet. All that pain and discomfort you experience once a month isn’t the way life just is. It’s your body telling you it needs something, specifically EFAs.Those food cravings are another sign. Your body is trying to get you to take in the missing nutrients, but women typically (and perhaps unwittingly) splurge on refined carbs, like milk chocolate or ice cream, which only exacerbate the problem.Excessive and incorrect prostaglandin (PG) synthesis has been implicated in the pathogenesis of PMS, and a deficiency of PGE1 at the central nervous system has been proposed to be involved in PMS.Adequate intake can be very effective in the prevention and treatment of menstrual cramps, along with unhealthy carb cravings.EFAs also play a role in mood. That hormonal roller coaster is yet another sign, another way your body is telling you it needs nutritional help. In several studies, evening primrose oil, high in GLA, has reduced symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), including depression and irritability. Researchers believe that a deficiency of GLA causes an abnormal sensitivity to the hormone prolactin, which leads to symptoms of PMS. There are also reports that GLA may be an effective treatment for fibrocystic breasts.
For men, it’s a bit different. EFAs play a critical role in avoiding developing diabetes, promoting heart and brain health, and overall cardiovascular health.Over 50 years later, heart disease is an even bigger issue than before. Granted, surgical treatments and a select few medications have made treatment more effective, but where are we in terms of heart disease prevention? Not very far.
EFAs also play huge roles in muscle growth and maintain healthy levels of body fat. This translates into optimal health for that ever-beating muscle in your chest: your heart.You need only several grams per day to maintain optimal EFA levels and heart health. Those same few grams are also involved in energy production, hormone production, oxygen transfer, hemoglobin production, cell membrane components, recovery from fatigue, and much more. Between the human body not being able to produce its own EFAs and the dramatic changes in the typical American diet, the population has developed a severe EFA deficiency, causing a rise in health issues, including heart disease.Degenerative diseases that involves fats prematurely kill over two-thirds people living in affluent, industrialized nations. 68% of people die just from three of those conditions: cardiovascular disease (43.8%), cancer (22.4%), and diabetes (1.8%). “These deaths are the result of eating habits based on ignorance and misconception,” states Udo Erasmus, author of Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill.Studies show that a diet rich in ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) can help protect against heart disease. These omega-3s have been show to reduce high blood lipids and blood pressure, and decrease blood clotting. Meta analysis of over 70 research studies show that both omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids can help with blood pressure.EFAs are found in quite a few food sources, most notably fish. Other sources include hemp, flax, walnuts, almonds, dark green leafy vegetables, eggs, and more. The challenge with most of the aforementioned sources is that it’s hard to hit your daily EFA goals without racking up the calorie count. This is often why people supplement; however, there’s a problem there, too.Fish oil is the industry favorite source of EFAs. The problem is fish are often contaminated with mercury and environmental chemicals. This means the EFAs have to be processed over and over to get rid of the mercury, which destroys the end product.Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are very sensitive; light, heat, and oxygen can destroy them. Both can be avoided by keeping them in dark bottles in the refrigerator. The main problem with most EFA products on the market today is the inability of keeping them fresh because of their exposure to oxygen. Oxygen easily permeates traditional capsules and, EFAs as liquids in bottles, are exposed to oxygen every time the lid comes off.
Optimal E.F.A. is a unique blend of stabilized oils from plant sources only, making this a choice essential fatty acid source for vegetarians and for those who want to avoid any level of PCBs and other toxins found in supplements made from fish oils. We source our ALA from flax seed oil, the richest source of LNA, DHA from algae, the only vegetable-based DHA source, and GLA from borage oil, the richest source of GLA. This completely removes the risk of mercury and other contaminants.OHS has teamed with one of the leading capsule manufacturers to encapsulate a complete blend of EFAs in a capsule utilizing a patented sealing process which virtually eliminates the end product’s exposure to oxygen. Traditionally DHA oil is obtained from fish. Unfortunately, there is no body of water that is free from the ravages of pollution. Fish contain high levels of toxic materials. Our DHA oil is derived from micro-algae grown in controlled vats, thereby yielding contaminate free DHA.The body needs essential fats for essential heart health. Utilizing the same source of EFA’s as the fish get (algae), you are ensured to have heart healthy benefits without compromise.
We do all of the work, from research and development to production and shipping, in-house. This means we know exactly what goes into every single supplement and powder we sell.
There is a HUGE difference between the two. One of the biggest differences is we go straight to the source for our fatty acids. We bypass the fish and go straight to where fish get their fatty acids - plants. Fish contain mercury and other toxins, so companies process it resulting in damage to fatty acids called trans fats. Trans fats lead to disease. Fats are very sensitive and can be easily damaged. We do not process our fatty acids and they are free from mercury and other toxins, making it a powerful fatty acid formula.
It's said that there are anti-inflammatory properties in fish oil, however, we do not use fish oil for our fatty acid source but go straight to the source of where the fish get it - from plants. Due to fish oil being highly processed, fish oil products will not give you much support from a nutritional standpoint. If you use Optimal EFA, it's not processed and we use plant-based fatty acids which make it powerful as an anti-inflammatory.
Your typical fish oil products in the market are not safe in the heat. They become very unstable in heat which would destroy the product and it'll become useless. Since OHS uses plant-based fatty acids, it's different from all the other products in the market, which also means Optimal EFA is safe in the heat, will not destroy fatty acids, and is still just as powerful.
Both! Some people are interested in knowing if our product, Optimal EFA, is DHA or EPA oil. Krill oil is pretty much DHA only. Since EFA is formulated using plants, it has DHA and EPA. Basically what this means is your body absorbs more EPA and DHA found in Optimal EFA than omega-3's from krill and fish.
The plant-based contents of EFA are vegan-friendly, however, the capsule is not. It is possible to cut the capsule in half to add the contents to a smoothie or other means to take EFA.
It comes from borage, flaxseed, and algae oil that are EMO free, gluten-free, pesticide-free, and more making it the best source of fatty acids.
D.O.M. (Date of Manufacture) is the new way that the FDA has asked all supplement companies to display dates onto our products, instead of expiration dates. Our soft gel product have a general 3-year expiration date from the D.O.M. Although after these 3 years, the product doesn't go bad or cause harm, they simply start to lose potency.
Nutrient Paks are the easiest way to cover your nutritional bases - but only a blood test can tell whether all your nutritional needs are being met.
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