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🌹 ❤️ Valentine's Day Sale! Get 14% off supplements with CODE: LOVEU
Exposure Protection PakNatural vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and nitrates proven to nutritionally protect and heal the body all combined in convenient packets.
Optimal 1 Digest-A-MealEliminate indigestion, gas, and bloating by nutritionally supporting the body with our #1-selling formula, a complete range of plant enzymes.
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Packed with Powerful Nutrients
Fruit & Veggie Plus is packed full of phytonutrients and antioxidants from produce that significantly help the body prevent and cure disease.
Balance Free Radicals
There are 5 types of free radicals and our ingredients were specifically chosen to balance out each one of them.
Beat the Average
One serving of F&V contains over 13 times the antioxidant potency the average American gets per day.
Government Approved Claims
This powder has 9 Government-Approved claims for all its benefits and the support it gives to your body.
Exciting research on phytonutrients (powerful compounds in plants) inspired the creation of Optimal Fruit & Veggie Plus. Acting as bodyguards, these compounds help us combat harmful free radicals, providing health benefits beyond just vitamins.
Our supplement targets three harmful factors: aging, inflammation, diseases, and more. With over 13 times the daily antioxidants of the average American diet, this supplement promotes health and adds quality years to your life.
Many scientists and researchers thought for years that it was only vitamins and minerals found in produce that provided health benefits. Recently there has been a tidal wave of research reporting on newfound compounds in whole foods that significantly help the body prevent and even cure disease. These compounds are called phytonutrients.Phytonutrients are neither vitamin nor mineral; they’re bacteria. Plants naturally produce phytonutrients, which protect them against viruses, bacteria, fungi, predators, and the sun’s harmful effects.A plethora of studies from all over the world have irrefutably proven that these compounds provide the same health benefits and protection for the people who consume them. One of the greatest benefits of phytonutrients is their broad antioxidant abilities.1. PEROXYL RADICALThese damage cell linings and increase inflammation and damage to arteries. This is why they greatly influence cardiovascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis and heart disease.The best antioxidant foods to combat peroxyl radicals: Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli sprouts, broccoli, carrots, spinach and kale.2. SUPEROXIDE ANION RADICALMitochondria are present in every cell except red blood cells. When they’re damaged by free radicals, you feel the effects through low energy and an inability to exercise for as long as you used to. In addition, muscle loses its ability to recover as fast and this develops into mitochondrial diseases.The best antioxidant foods to combat superoxide anion radicals: Camellia Sinensis, certain types of apples, elderberry and other berries.3. HYDROXYL RADICALThese are implicated in most cancers and autoimmune diseases. They target DNA and create oxidative damage that renders the body susceptible to debilitating diseases.The best antioxidant foods to combat hydroxyl radicals: Turmeric extract, garlic concentrate, basil, oregano and cinnamon. Other herbs are also beneficial.4. SINGLET OXYGEN RADICALThey target tissues, nerves and blood flow to the eyes. They have been implicated in eye diseases, such as macular degeneration.The best antioxidant foods to combat singlet oxygen radicals: A wide variety of berry concentrates and extracts, which include bilberry, raspberry, black currant, blueberry, sweet cherry, açai and more.5. PEROXYL-NITRITE RADICALThese target nerves and are implicated in many neurodegenerative diseases, like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.The best antioxidant foods to combat peroxyl-nitrite radicals: Acerola, camu camu, mangosteen, quecertin and açai.
For years, researchers have known that the largest cause of wrinkles, ailing joints, arthritis, heart disease, and even cancer stem from the same deterioration process that occurs in non-human objects. The cause is oxidation. Molecules called free radicals are the culprit.It’s ironic that the same air we need to live causes metal to rust, fruits and vegetables to turn brown, and your body’s cells to age and weaken. Oxygen provides abundant health and long life when it is paired with antioxidants. When polluted oxygen is drawn into the body, or after it’s used for metabolism, chemical changes to oxygen occur. The molecules lose electrons, making them unstable. These unstable molecules are called free radicals. The damage they cause is called oxidation.The whole process can be pretty violent. When the molecule grows unstable, it has the equivalent of a panic attack and starts stealing electrons from healthy cells, be it blood cells (heart disease/aging), brain cells (dementia/Alzheimer’s), skin cells (wrinkles), joints (arthritis/pain), organs (cancer), and even muscle cells (decreased performance/muscle loss/fibromyalgia).Different types of free radicals are created and, depending on the type, the type of attacked cells become known.
When healthy cells are attacked, more free radicals are created and a cascade effect happens, causing tremendous damage. Have you ever noticed how fast metal rusts if left outside, or how quick fruits brown if left on the counter. Your body can be damaged just as quickly, unless free radical oxidation is stopped.When people hear of free radicals for the first time, they often think of foreign invaders, like bacteria or viruses, but they’re not. Yes, external factors like cigarette smoke, airborne chemicals, and pollution causes oxidative damage through breathing. However, the difference is, unlike bacteria and viruses, your body naturally creates free radicals just through metabolism.In other words, your body creates free radicals as it produces energy. Since free radicals naturally occur in your body, so do the antioxidants. Your body’s ability to make antioxidants comes from the same exact source that make fruits, vegetables, and herbs colorful: phytonutrients.The Antioxidants Found in Fruits and VegetablesAntioxidants are the worker components that make up the majority of a phytonutrient compound in fruits and vegetables. They are molecules that have an abundance of electrons. When the antioxidant molecule enters your bloodstream, it travels around and bumps into free radicals. Instead of getting damaged (oxidized), like what happens to other molecules, the antioxidant offers up a spare electron, which balances out and neutralizes the free radical. This stops the cascade of oxidation. The amazing natural structure of antioxidant phytonutrients is nature’s answer and protector.Countless studies confirm the need to get nutrients from whole foods or whole food supplements, yet many people still fall victim to the lab-created vitamin trap and risk their health. The latest research has unearthed that many more antioxidants exist besides the ones found in vitamins. These antioxidants are called phytonutrients, and they exist in whole foods.Systemic inflammation (meaning it occurs from head to toe) causes or leads to serious pain, joint damage, accelerated aging, and organ failure. Arterial linings become inflamed because of free radicals causing today’s #1 killer: heart disease.Even before serious damage occurs, inflammation causes fatigue, swelling, and poor performance both physically and mentally. One of the most immediate and dramatic benefits of consuming a variety of organic produce each day is the noticeable inflammation reduction in just a few weeks. Swelling goes down, energy goes up, you think clearer, and physical performance improves.The greatest benefit is that you can add quality years to your life. Most people notice these changes and feel them quickly.One serving of Optimal Fruit & Veggie Plus contains over 13 times the antioxidant potency the average American gets per day.
We do all of the work, from research and development to production and shipping, in-house. This means we know exactly what goes into every single supplement and powder we sell.
D.O.M. (Date of Manufacture) is the new way that the FDA has asked all supplement companies to display dates onto our products, instead of expiration dates. All of our products have a general 2-year expiration date from the D.O.M. Although after these 2 years, the product doesn't go bad or cause harm, they simply start to lose potency.
Nutrient Paks are the easiest way to cover your nutritional bases - but only a blood test can tell whether all your nutritional needs are being met.
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